Applied Hydrological Education and Consulting, Inc. - Expert Hydrology, Hydrogeology, and Environmental Science

​Expert: Hydrology and Environmental Science

Dr. James J. Connors

Dr. James J. Connors is a Professional Hydrologist (P.H.), certified by the American Institute of Hydrology, and a licensed Professional Geoscientist/Geologist (P.G.) in several states. As a part of his nationwide consulting practice, he has been retained as an expert hydrologist, hydrogeologist, and/or environmental scientist more than 70 times. His cases have been located in various state and federal courts in Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, as well as in New Zealand.

Dr. Connors has reviewed files and technical evidence, inspected and sampled sites, written expert reports and rebuttals, given depositions, prepared demonstrative courtroom presentations and displays, assisted with Daubert challenges and affidavits, and given hearing, arbitration, and trial testimony. His cases have involved a variety of hydrological issues, including: stormwater runoff, flooding, drainage, erosion, sediment transport, sedimentation, surface-water and groundwater contamination. Dr. Connors has worked at sites contaminated with PCBs, benzene / BTEX, metals / mercury, arsenic, vinyl chloride / chlorinated solvents, nutrients, pesticides / nerve agents, herbicides, radiation, VOCs / SVOCs, disinfectants & related by-products, landfill leachate, crude oil & fuel, explosives / unexploded ordinance, brines / saltwater, and provided PFAS expert witness testimony and testimony regarding a number of other contaminants. His cases have also involved wetlands hydrology, oilfield fluids, pipelines, landfills, natural drainage, accidents, contract and terminology disputes, and  construction sites and development issues. 

Dr. James Connors: Expert witness services related to flooding, groundwater contamination, stormwater, runoff, drainage, erosion, sediment transport, sedimentation, water supply and water resources.

​Expert Witness Services in Hydrology and Hydrogeology